Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday, January 16, 2017

It's Martin Luther King Day, and Nanaw has a day off from watching Chase. She went to visit him in the morning and had a great time playing another game of "basketball" with him. Daddy was the net again and Mama was the referee who does the tweets. It was a good workout for Nanaw, trying to get the ball away from Chase the Billikens -- Nanaw was Red Ball again. After the basketball game was over, Daddy promised Chase they would play again on Monday night while Mama was out to diner with Aunt Becca and Emory. Chase said Daddy would be the Billikens, and Nanaw asked Chase if he was going to be Red Ball. He said no, he would be the Sinkers, which sounds like a perfect name for a basketball team. The most exciting thing about the visit was Chase getting himself dressed. Nanaw didn't know Mama and Daddy were working on that so it was great for Nanaw to see. They taught him that the tags are at the back of the clothes and that helped him get them on correctly. Nanaw was impressed with how well he did it, and she will practice with him during the week. Maybe she'll help a little on school days because the process of Chase dressing himself is very slow. Chase and Daddy were going to Wentzville in the afternoon to visit Grandma Pat.

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