Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thursday's plans for a visit to the Train House got cancelled when Chase got sick to his stomach all over the new futon first thing in the morning. He seemed fine after that but Nanaw didn't want to take any chances so they stayed home most of the day. Chase painted for awhile and then played with abcmouse and then played in his room. In the afternoon, the cleaning lady came, so Chase and Nanaw went over to Chase's house while the cleaning lady was at Nanaw's house. Chase asked for popcorn so Nanaw fixed some for him. Then he asked for his tablet, and Nanaw gave it to him. He laid on the sofa and played with his tablet for a long while -- it was very cute. When Nanaw took Chase home, Daddy measured him for his Khoury League uniform and registration. This is going to be so exciting. Mama was ready to make birthday cards for Ms. Merz and Ms. Whitworth with Chase. So Chase picked out paper colors for the cards and signed his name. Mama wrote Happy Birthday on the front and then they put stickers on the cards. Today is cousin Lindsey's birthday, and Nanaw told Chase they would celebrate Lindsey's birthday on Sunday. On Friday afternoon, after school, they're going to go to Schnuck's to get a cherry chip cake mix and ice cream; Chase gets to ride in the car cart.

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