Saturday, September 30, 2017

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Nanaw went to visit Chase on Saturday morning. Nanaw took pictures of Chase with his new soldiers / Army guys. He set them up in the living room in a battle formation with all of his Star Wars people and planes -- it was very cute. Nanaw told Chase he could bring the Army guys to Nanaw's house if he wanted to. Nanaw and Chase played downstairs for a long time with his Playskool village, house, school and McDonald's. It's very cute to watch all the pretend things Chase does when they play. Chase also played with the basketball hoop Nanaw bought for him. Somehow, as usual, basketball morphed into baseball -- that boy is quite the baseball fan. Chase's soccer games were cancelled on Saturday morning, and he was very sad about that. But his fun afternoon activity made up for it. Mama, Daddy and Chase went out to Uncle Chris's house in Silex for Uncle Will-Bill's birthday celebration. Mama said Chase and Elias had a wonderful time jumping on Elias's trampoline, all afternoon.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday, September 29, 2017

Mama had the day off on Friday so she took Chase to school instead of Nanaw. Mrs. Hermann asked Mama to tell Nanaw that she'd received her e-mail offering to volunteer in class and would e-mail her back. Mama and Nanaw had an exciting day together. They went Best Buy to drop off Mama's computer to get it fixed. They went to Chick Fil A for lunch. Then they went to Yankee Candle, JC Penney's (where Nanaw bought Chase a winter coat) and Spencer's at South Count Mall. Next they went to JoAnn's so Nanaw could spend her Mother's Day gift card from Mama. They bought three craft things: Pooh shrinky-dinks, a potholder loom and a kit to make little heads out of pom poms, eyeballs and hats -- very cute. Then Mama and Nanaw went to an expensive boutique on Main Street. Next, they went to Fashion Attic, a resale shop. Nanaw bought a maroon vest for $10. Mama bought a shirt for Chase for $10, a shirt for herself for $8 and a Blues hockey jacket for Chase for $10. Very good bargains. It was too early to pick Chase up from school so they went for a ride, looking for the camel on Centerville Road but didn't find him. When they picked up Chase, he had his photos from photo day and his soccer photos -- he was most excited about the soccer photos. His 2017 school photo is the first one below. Chase came home with Nanaw, and Mama went home to get ready for a party at Tom's and Melissa's. Chase and Nanaw went to Walmart, and Chase fell asleep on the way. At Walmart, Nanaw bought Chase a big box of Army guys.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Thursday, September 28, 2017

When Chase got to Nanaw's house on Thursday morning, he played with the Monopoly games again until it was time to go to school. Once again, Chase was a happy camper to go to school. Nanaw is so happy that he likes school and likes to go every day. When Nanaw picked Chase up, he had remembered his water bottle and jacket again -- good job, Chase! He told Nanaw he wanted to go to Little Will's (that's what he calls Goodwill) to get more Star Wars toys so that's what they did. The toys were still on sale, and Nanaw bought two Star Wars toys for Chase. They also looked at the other toys there but there wasn't anything interesting. Chase played with the new toys on the drive home and then when he got to Nanaw's house. He took part of them home with him so he could play with them at his house. When Nanaw got to Chase's house, she looked at Mama's laptop to see if she could fix the problem but she couldn't. So tomorrow on Mama and Nanaw's adventure day, they'll take the laptop to Best Buy for the Geek Squad to fix. When Nanaw got home, she sent an e-mail to Mrs. Hermann volunteering to help out in Chase's classroom, maybe with the Seesaw app.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

When Nanaw took Chase to school on Wednesday morning, he let her knock off the apple with Chase's name on it on the Smartboard. Nanaw also got a big hello from Sami, who sits at Chase's table. Nanaw was so proud of Chase when she picked him up because he remembered his jacket and his water bottle, two things that he sometimes forgets. After they left the school, they went to Goodwill to get Star Wars toys for Chase and also to drop off clothes donations. Nanaw was very happy that the Star Wars toys were half price. Chase was excited about them and opened the packages and played with them on the drive home. At home, Nanaw and Chase played with the two Monopoly games Nanaw found downstairs, and Chase had fun. He likes rolling the dice and buying houses and hotels. When Nanaw took Chase home, she had forgotten his Thomas bag and had to go back home and get it. While she was gone, Mama had Chase tell her his penguin story for the young authors' contest. Mama is going to type it up and copy it at work tomorrow. It's due on Friday. Chase also has to bring something that makes a sound and put it in a paper bag. Then the class has to guess what's making the sound. Mama suggested a Thomas the Train that has a train whistle sound. Chase said no but Mama is going to try to convince him to take it.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Nanaw got in trouble (just kidding) with Mama on Tuesday morning because she forgot to make the drop-off call to Mama. So Mama had to call her. Nanaw told Mama how excited Chase was to go to school, how he was dancing around and talking all the time -- so cute to see. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said he had a secret to tell her when they got to the car. They were walking behind Sami, and Chase didn’t' want Sami to hear him, for some reason. When they got to the car, Chase told Nanaw about the nature walk the class went on and showed her the gumball he found and brought home. Nanaw had no idea why this was a secret and why he didn't want to talk about it where Sami could hear. Nanaw called Mama for the pick-up call and filled her in on the secret and the nature walk and the gum ball. Chase and Nanaw went to Schnuck's, and Chase was happy to ride in the car cart. Then they went to Dollar Tree and Chase got a Star Wars toy, a Sick Bricks toy and a Groot car for Mama. Then they went to drop off stuff at Goodwill. Nanaw had planned to take Chase inside to buy him a Star Wars toy but he fell asleep, and she didn't want to wake him up. When he woke up, he cried because they didn't go to Goodwill. So Nanaw promised to take him after school on Wednesday.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Monday, September 25, 2017

On the way to Nanaw's house on Monday morning, Chase was singing the song that spells out yellow and talks about the baby duck and the daffodils being yellow. On the way to school, Chase was overjoyed about the day's field trip to the Train House and said, "This is the most exciting day of my life." At first, Nanaw hadn't been able to find his water bottle so she found a substitute. Then she found the water bottle but Chase still wanted to take the substitute. At school, the children at Chase's table were just as excited about the field trip as Chase was. Mrs. Hermann sent a photo with Chase on the train with Joey and his mom -- very cute. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he had a little wooden train that he'd colored at the Train House. He said he made it in the blue school train. He also said he had a great time. When Nanaw asked him what he had to eat in the sack lunch, it took awhile for him to say Doritos and a juice box. Mama asked if there was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Chase said, "Yes, there was," but he didn't eat it because he's allergic. Mama and Nanaw had a fit because he's not allergic. So Mama is going to work on that.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Chase had a major exciting adventure on Sunday afternoon: Henry's Lego birthday party. The party was held at Metter Park (the little park by the Columbia library). At first, the party was supposed to be at Henry's house but then it was moved to the park -- Mama thinks it was moved because so many little boys were coming. They invited all the boys in the two kindergarten classes. Daddy said that at first when they got there, Chase was acting shy and hanging back. But then when they started doing all the Lego things, Chase really got into it and had lots of fun. All the boys made little Lego guys, and Daddy helped Chase and other boys make the guys. The party was put on by a company that does Lego birthday parties, and Mama says there were lots of Legos. In the evening, Nanaw came for dinner. Mama promised Chase that if he ate his dinner and was good, they would go to Dollar Tree, and he could have three toys. Chase ate his dinner and was good so Mama, Chase and Nanaw went to Dollar Tree. Nanaw had bought four carvable Halloween pumpkins and two sets of faces, and she wanted to buy another two sets of faces. Chase decorated his two pumpkins before they went to Dollar Tree. When they got to Dollar Tree, Chase picked out three things that he said weren't toys: two solar lights, a cup and a ghost light that makes noise. He still got his three toys. He's quite a negotiator.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Mama had the day off so she took Chase to school. When they got to the classroom, Chase asked Mama, "Do you remember where I sit?" Mama said, "Yes, of course I do." Mama told Nanaw she got Chase to put his folder in his cubby -- Nanaw always has to do it for Chase. Chase only had half a day of school. After school, they stopped by Chase's house to pick up his Thomas backpack with his amamals. While they were at Chase's house, he took pictures of the new ghostly soap and the ghostly night light -- they're the first pictures below. They had lunch at Nanaw's house, and then they had their adventure for the day: They went to the Magic House. Chase was so excited to go. It's been a long time since the last time he was there. He went to lots of his favorite places, and he and Nanaw saw the young lady named Kristie who is their friend there. He went to the trains, the catapult, the water area, the Lego cars, the sandbox, the president's office where he sat at the Resolute desk and made a phone call and then went on television, the hockey area, the art area, the crafts area, and the construction area. He had an excellent time, and Nanaw was so happy to take him there. He got to stay at Nanaw's house till 6 o'clock because Daddy and Mama were out with Aunt Becca for her birthday.