Mama had the day off on Friday so she took Chase to school instead of Nanaw. Mrs. Hermann asked Mama to tell Nanaw that she'd received her e-mail offering to volunteer in class and would e-mail her back. Mama and Nanaw had an exciting day together. They went Best Buy to drop off Mama's computer to get it fixed. They went to Chick Fil A for lunch. Then they went to Yankee Candle, JC Penney's (where Nanaw bought Chase a winter coat) and Spencer's at South Count Mall. Next they went to JoAnn's so Nanaw could spend her Mother's Day gift card from Mama. They bought three craft things: Pooh shrinky-dinks, a potholder loom and a kit to make little heads out of pom poms, eyeballs and hats -- very cute. Then Mama and Nanaw went to an expensive boutique on Main Street. Next, they went to Fashion Attic, a resale shop. Nanaw bought a maroon vest for $10. Mama bought a shirt for Chase for $10, a shirt for herself for $8 and a Blues hockey jacket for Chase for $10. Very good bargains. It was too early to pick Chase up from school so they went for a ride, looking for the camel on Centerville Road but didn't find him. When they picked up Chase, he had his photos from photo day and his soccer photos -- he was most excited about the soccer photos. His 2017 school photo is the first one below. Chase came home with Nanaw, and Mama went home to get ready for a party at Tom's and Melissa's. Chase and Nanaw went to Walmart, and Chase fell asleep on the way. At Walmart, Nanaw bought Chase a big box of Army guys.
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