Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday, September 29, 2017

Mama had the day off on Friday so she took Chase to school instead of Nanaw. Mrs. Hermann asked Mama to tell Nanaw that she'd received her e-mail offering to volunteer in class and would e-mail her back. Mama and Nanaw had an exciting day together. They went Best Buy to drop off Mama's computer to get it fixed. They went to Chick Fil A for lunch. Then they went to Yankee Candle, JC Penney's (where Nanaw bought Chase a winter coat) and Spencer's at South Count Mall. Next they went to JoAnn's so Nanaw could spend her Mother's Day gift card from Mama. They bought three craft things: Pooh shrinky-dinks, a potholder loom and a kit to make little heads out of pom poms, eyeballs and hats -- very cute. Then Mama and Nanaw went to an expensive boutique on Main Street. Next, they went to Fashion Attic, a resale shop. Nanaw bought a maroon vest for $10. Mama bought a shirt for Chase for $10, a shirt for herself for $8 and a Blues hockey jacket for Chase for $10. Very good bargains. It was too early to pick Chase up from school so they went for a ride, looking for the camel on Centerville Road but didn't find him. When they picked up Chase, he had his photos from photo day and his soccer photos -- he was most excited about the soccer photos. His 2017 school photo is the first one below. Chase came home with Nanaw, and Mama went home to get ready for a party at Tom's and Melissa's. Chase and Nanaw went to Walmart, and Chase fell asleep on the way. At Walmart, Nanaw bought Chase a big box of Army guys.

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