Saturday, September 2, 2017

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Nanaw went to visit Chase early on Saturday morning. At first, he was looking at videos on Daddy's iPad. Then Mama went to the grocery store, and Daddy was going to vacuum and mop in preparation for Mama and Daddy's pre-Labor Day party on Sunday. So Nanaw helped Chase get dressed in a baseball shirt so they could go outside and play baseball. They played for about an hour; Chase is becoming a really good hitter. Unfortunately, he blames the pitcher (that would be Nanaw in this instance) when he doesn't hit the ball. When Mama got home from the grocery store, she told Chase that she and Daddy had lots of work to do to clean the house and get ready for the party on Sunday. Mama said Chase could help her clean, especially in cleaning the bathrooms, which he's really good at. She promised Chase that once all the cleaning and getting ready was done, then she and Daddy could play with Chase. And they did. They played baseball for a long time, which of course made Chase very happy. Mama told Nanaw that Chase was unhappy when Mama homered, even though Chase had told her to do it. He's a very confusing little fella.

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