Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Chase slept till 9 a.m. on Sunday morning -- the little fellow definitely was tired. When he got up, he wanted to go outside and play in his pajamas -- he thought that would be a fun thing to do so Nanaw said he could. He played for awhile and then came in to watch one of the baseball movies Nanaw checked out for him at the library. The movie was Rookie of the Year, and Chase watched the whole thing and seemed to enjoy it. Chase and Nanaw left the little house about 10:45 so Chase could get home by noon but they didn't quite make it. They made a stop at McDonald's in Washington to get a dipped cone for Chase and a pumpkin spice latte for Nanaw. Chase was fascinated with the cone -- first the McDonald's worker swirled ice cream in the cone, then dipped it in a pan of chocolate. Chase told Nanaw that the chocolate froze on the ice cream -- smart little boy. In the evening, Nanaw came over for a rib and salad dinner. After dinner, Mama did Chase's homework with him while Nanaw watched. Then Mama, Daddy, Nanaw and Chase went outside to play baseball, Chase's favorite thing to do. In Chase's Happy Meal on Saturday, he got a book -- Nanaw really likes that idea.

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