Saturday, September 21, 2024

Friday and Saturday, September 20 and 21, 2024

Mama had the day off on Friday to celebrate Aunt Becca's birthday (her birthday is Monday, September 23, the same as Pawpaw's).So Mama took Chase to school, and Nanaw slept in. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school on Friday, they were both delighted that Chase didn't have any homework -- sort of. His four-paragraph Chicago trip essay is due on Monday, and he hadn't started it yet.  The Yelp review and the photo journal for the Chicago trip are also due on Monday but he already has those done. He also took an AR test on Friday for Slugfest, one of the books he and Nanaw read during the summer. He got a 100 on the test -- Yay for Chase! He has two more books he can take tests on but he says he wants to save them. He says he only has about 30 more pages to read in Into the Clouds, the AR book he's currently reading. He had an awful grade in AR because he hadn't taken any of the tests so the Slugfest test will help with that. On Saturday, Chase played two baseball games for the Bears. In the evening, Nanaw came over to visit. That's when she found out about Chase taking the Slugfest test and getting 100. He and Mama agreed that on Sunday, he would work on the Chicago essay after he got home from church and before he had to leave for a hockey game at 2:15. Chase said it would be okay for Nanaw to read the Yelp review and the essay when she comes to visit on Sunday evening. Before Nanaw left, she sat with Chase while he used her phone to fill out a grade sheet he has to turn in on Monday. Halfway through every quarter, students have to go into Facts, the grade-tracking computer program the school uses, and fill out a grade sheet with their current grades. This is so parents and students know where the students stand grade-wise halfway through the quarter.

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