Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thursday, September 5, 2024

This morning, Chase had a waffle for breakfast, and he and Nanaw both notice how good it smelled. Nanaw said that maybe someday, Chase could have a waffle and a pancake for breakfast but Chase said that would be too much. Mama gave Chase the envelope with the permission slip and check for next Friday's bus trip to Chicago for the seventh graders. He's really looking forward to it. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said they had to go to his house to get his Atlas so he could use it for his geography homework. He had three major homework assignments: geography, history questions about the Constitution and math problems. Plus he had his 20 minutes of AR reading. At Nanaw's house, he did the geography homework and the history homework. When he got home, Daddy had him start on his math and AR reading. He has hockey practice tonight, plus there's a hockey parents meeting, they wouldn't get home till about 9:30. So Chase wouldn't have time to do any homework after hockey and would have to do it before hockey.

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