Monday, September 16, 2024

Sunday and Monday, September 15 and 16, 2024

Nanaw didn't get to see Chase on Sunday. He spent the afternoon and evening at the baseball field in Fenton, for a Bears tournament. The games were delayed by rain so Chase didn't get finished playing or getting home till late in the evening. On Monday at school, the lunch was spaghetti, one of Chase's favorites. He said he had a good day, and he didn't have much homework except for studying for Tuesday's math test. On Sunday, Nanaw had wanted Chase to do the extra practice pages in his math book yesterday in order to study for the test but he said he forgot. On Monday, Nanaw finally convinced him to do some of the problems in the evening after he got home from his ICS baseball game. They played in Smithton and lost at least 13 to 1 = Nanaw didn't hear the final score. He texted Nanaw and asked if he could do problems 1 to 38 and then the rest on Tuesday morning before school. There are 65 problems so Nanaw said he wouldn't be able to get the rest of them done on Tuesday morning but they could try doing one of each kind of problem. 

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