Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

When Chase got to Nanaw's house on Tuesday morning, he sat at the kitchen bar to have breakfast and study for his math test. He had selected eight problems for him and Nanaw to work on. He had done the first 38 problems last night. He wrote out the problems for Nanaw, which was very cute and very kind of him. He had forgotten his math book, and they only had one math book, Nanaw's, which is the one Chase was using. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said he thought he had done a good job on the test. He said he only had trouble with one problem. Nanaw will be interested to see what the problem was. Chase said he had a sloppy joe for lunch, and he and his friends played sharks and minnows at recess. He said that game is sort of like tag and that he was a minnow. At Nanaw's house, Chase finished his math assignment, and then he and Nanaw studied for his geography quiz tomorrow. The quiz covers a lot of difficult material, and they were only able to study some of it, not all of it. Nanaw asked Chase to read over the study guide again this evening before hockey practice, and then in the morning, they would go over the material they didn't have time to cover this afternoon. Hopefully, Chase will get a decent grade on the test. Right now, he has a C+ in the class. It's a really hard class, and Chase is going to have to study a lot to do okay in the class.

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