Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thursday, September 19, 2024

This morning as Nanaw was seeing Mama out, Chase came to the front door and did a funny thing: He was standing there with his school shorts and belt. Mama pointed it out and they both realized that Chase was waiting for Nanaw to put the belt through the belt loops of the shorts. They both decided he's slightly spoiled but that's okay because he's Mama's only baby. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he had a wonderful story for her. She had asked him why Homework Central said there was a geography retake of the quiz tomorrow. He said the teacher gave back the quiz today and said most everybody did badly. Chase was the last one to get his quiz back, and he was afraid he'd gotten a zero. It turned out he got a 97 on the quiz; the closest score to his was a 88. He was so excited and so were Nanaw and Mama. The geography class is difficult, and when Chase studied for the quiz, Nanaw was surprised at how hard the material was and how much of it there was. But evidently Chase's studying paid off. This will help his C+ in geography. He had gotten a 51 out of a 100 on a pop quiz, which really pulled his grade down. After school, Chase worked on his Chicago photo journal assignment and did a really good job. He said he's already done the Yelp review but he still has to write his essay. The second picture below is from his homeroom teacher who sent an email to parents about next week's Iowa State testing and issues with the students not conforming to uniform requirements.

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