Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Chase’s big adventure for Wednesday was his trip to the Magic House in the evening. As part of the library’s Summer Reading Program, Chase received three free tickets to the Magic House so Mama, Chase and Nanaw went in the evening while Daddy golfed. In the morning, Chase and Nanaw went for a walk, and Chase kept tossing his water cup on the ground – he seemed to think that was great fun. He did a lot of running around Nanaw’s house and did his usual thing of grabbing her hairbrush. At the Magic House, Chase had what seemed to be an amazingly wonderful time. He ran around for an hour and a half, going from exhibit to exhibit. He went to the construction area and used a broom and a shovel and put PVC pipes together. He played in the water park twice, splashing water everywhere and playing with one of the floating ducks. He went in tunnels and caves and played various musical instruments. He rolled around in a tub of plastic balls, rang some doorbells, climbed up on a stage, wrote on a blackboard with chalk, went down some slides, climbed into a wooden canoe and played with a series of gears on a wall. He was tireless and fearless, and the evening was a great success.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Today was a rainy day so Chase stayed inside most of the day. Chase and Nanaw took a morning walk in between rain showers and went to Schnuck’s. Chase seemed to enjoy running around Nanaw’s house, doing his usual thing of grabbing Nanaw’s hairbrush and brushing his hair with it. He also took a stack of coasters off a shelf and put them on a chair to play with them. He was downstairs in the Pack n Play for awhile and seemed to have a great time throwing all his toys on the floor – he seemed very proud of himself. When he got home, he was upset that he couldn’t play outside, until he sat down on Daddy’s lap to play with Daddy’s iPad Mini – then he was happy.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

Chase was playing with a golf ball this morning when Nanaw picked him up and Daddy said he could take it with him. Chase and Nanaw went for a morning walk, and Chase dropped the golf ball on the walk so they retraced their steps and found it. After Chase’s nap, Chase and Nanaw went to Walmart where they used another cart with a seat belt that didn’t work. Chase tried to stand up in the cart, and Nanaw said "Sit" and Chase said "No." It was sort of funny. Next, they went to the bank and then to the post office. For lunch, Chase had Spaghettios with little meatballs, and he really seemed to enjoy them – he kept saying his version of the word more – "Muh." Uncle Mike came over to the cut the grass, and Chase and Mama got to see him. Uncle Mike was impressed with how many words Chase has learned since Uncle Mike last saw him 2 ½ weeks ago.






Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday, July 28, 2013

On Sunday, Chase and Daddy went out to Wentzville to visit Grandma Pat and Aunt Patty. Mama went to have lunch with a group of friends she knew when she lived in Florissant. Nanaw came over in the evening to visit Chase and take pictures. As a special added benefit, she got to eat some of Mama’s delicious meat loaf, one of Nanaw’s favorites. Everybody went outside, and Chase ran around the back yard, one of his favorite things to do. Mama had a duck race for him, with three ducks going down the slide. Chase thought that was funny and laughed a lot. Then Mama put a duck on her head, and Chase thought that was funny also. Nanaw took a picture of Duck Head Mama and put it on Facebook. After Nanaw left, Chase, Mama, Daddy and Sam went for a walk.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Chase had a major adventure with Mama, Daddy and Sam on Saturday – the whole family came out to Aspenhof to visit Nanaw. Chase and Sam seemed to have a wonderful time running free down the gravel roads. Later, Mama, Daddy, Chase, Same and Nanaw drove down to the big lake and went on the walking trail that goes around the lake. Mama and Daddy decided it would be best that Chase rode in the "all-terrain" stroller rather than running loose and that Sam should be on his leash so that neither of them ended up in the water. After the walk, everyone but Sam went to dinner at Applebee’s in Warrenton. Nanaw took some pictures of Chase where it looks like he’s intently reading the menu. It was a great day for everybody, and Chase will be back next Saturday to spend the night with Nanaw while Daddy goes on a float trip and Mama has a girls’ night out with her BFF, Auntie Alice.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday, July 26, 2013

Chase’s first adventure today was an early morning walk and playing with Nanaw’s pedometer. After breakfast, Chase and Nanaw went to Clayton Laptime. Chase seemed really happy to be there – maybe he missed going last week because of his fever. He smiled at Miss Jeannie during the songs and stories and did his thing of clapping his hands and yelling "Yay" when each one was over. Another teacher, Miss Laura, blew bubbles for Chase, which seemed to delight him. After his nap, Chase and Nanaw played in his room with his toys. He’s doing a new cute thing where he puts things back in containers (like the megablocks) rather than dumping them out. For dinner, Mama, Daddy and Chase went to Joe’s Pizza in Dupo. Chase took one of his Minions from McDonald’s along for company.