Friday, August 5, 2016

Friday, August 5, 2016

Chase and Nanaw had several adventures on Friday. First, they cashed a check at the bank, and the teller gave Chase on of their green lollipops. Then they went to the little Dollar Tree and once again, Chase went wild with his selections: he picked a Lightning McQueen, a Mater, two cans of silly string and a light-up slingshot. Next, they went grocery shopping at Walmart where Nanaw bought Chase another color-changing Cars car and a light blue polo shirt. (Mama said the shirt would highlight Chase's beautiful blue eyes.) Nanaw tried to find a stuffed Due (from "The Secret Life of Pets") as a present for Mama at Walmart but they didn't have any. Chase made a major mess in his room on Friday. He dumped out all the toys and spread them all over the floor. Nanaw should have had him help her pick them up but Nanaw just left the room a mess. She and Chase will deal with it on Monday. On Friday evening, Chase, Mama and Daddy went to Aunt Becca and Uncle Stan's house for dinner. On Saturday, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw are going to see "The Secret Life of Pets." How exciting! Nanaw forgot to take pictures during the so she took a few random shots at the end of the day, plus she included one of cousin Lindsey at college.

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