Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wednesday was Chase's first day at Pre-K. Mama and Nanaw took him to school and helped him get settled. They helped him get his locker set up and found the place for his folder to go. Chase visited the goldfish and the magnetic letters. He said hello to his friends Brady and Alaina. Some of the children were crying but Chase was fine and said good-bye to Mama and Nanaw and then went to play. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he had a picture he had drawn but Nanaw didn't know what it was. Nanaw asked him what he had for lunch but he said he didn't know. So Nanaw looked up the school menu online and asked Chase if he had a chicken sandwich and he said he did. When Nanaw asked about the rest time on the mat on the floor, Chase said he was scared and that Will cried. On the way home from school, Nanaw took Chase to the big park, and for the first time, he spent more time running around the park grounds than playing on the slides and swings. That may have been because the only other people in the park were three big teenagers. On Wednesday evening, Mama and Daddy took Chase to the little Dollar Tree store and bought him lots of presents, including little Angry Birds. Nanaw picked Chase up and took him to her house to spend the night, Mama and Daddy were going to New York on Thursday morning.

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