Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday, August 22, 2016

It was back to school on Monday for Chase. When Mama brought Chase to Nanaw’s house in the morning, she brought along his Thomas pillow so he could take it to school for his rest time. But he said he wanted her to take it back home, so she did. Nanaw got the Thomas pillow from her house, and he was okay with taking that to school. Nanaw put it in his locker and told him to go get it when it was rest time. Will and Alaina were crying, and Nanaw was glad that Chase likes school and doesn’t cry. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to the little park by the Columbia library. Audrey from his class was there, and they had a great time playing together. Chase got a little confused and started calling Audrey Annalise but Nanaw told him it was Audrey not Annalise – they both have curly blond hair. So do Audrey’s mama and Audrey’s sister Vivian. You can’t tell what color hair Audrey’s three-month old brother Teddy is going to have yet. Chase brought along his Angry Bird dangles and lost the black one – Bomb. Chase and Nanaw looked all around the playground but couldn’t find it. They went to Dollar Tree and bought the rest of the Angry Birds but didn’t get a Bomb or a Chuck, the other lost bird, the yellow one.

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