Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Nanaw was excited to spend a lot of time with Chase on Sunday. At noon, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw went to Chase's school for the beginning of the school year pot luck in the school gym. Chase was happy to see Alaina from his pre-school class, and Ms. Merz his pre-school teacher. He got to meet his new teacher, Ms. Carrow, and then they all went to the Pre-K school room. It turns how that Pre-K and Pre-school are sharing a suite of two classrooms. Ms. Merz only has eight students, and Ms. Carrow has 28 so they're going to share the space. Chase was really cute in the class room. He was excited to see a goldfish in an aquarium, and he walked around the room exploring everything. He found some magnetic alphabet letters and began rearranging them. He found an E and took it over to his Mama, which made her very happy. School starts on Wednesday, and both Chase and Nanaw are excited about that -- Nanaw likes seeing all the children and parents and grandparents when she drops Chase off and picks him up. After the school visit, Chase went home to take a nap, and Mama and Nanaw went to see the Bad Moms movie, which was hilariously raunchy. Nana stayed for a delicious dinner of grilled chicken wings and corn on the cob. After dinner, Mama, Nanaw and Chase played with the color-changing cars. Then Chase and Nanaw had ice cream cones (Nanaw's cone was a special, gluten-free one that Mama bought for her). Then Chase began to play with his magnetized alphabet letters on the fridge, and Nanaw and Mama played with him. He sounds out the phonetic sounds for the letters (from the DVDs he watches), and he's pretending to spell words. It's very cute and very good for getting him ready to read.

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