Friday, November 20, 2020

Friday, November 20, 2020

Today is Uncle Mike's 55th birthday. Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw are going up to Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky's house to celebrate his birthday (and for Chase to play ping pong). Mama had the day off from work today so she took Chase to school. Then she and Nanaw had a day of shopping. First, they went to Waterloo Walmart. Then they went back to Chase's house to pick up things for Goodwill. At Goodwill, they looked for an ugly sweater for Chase but didn't find one. Mama will buy one at Walmart if Chase needs one for school; there's a possibility that the school will go to remote learning if there are any more cases of Covid. After Goodwill, they went to CostCo, Arby's, Bath and Body at South County Mall, and then the Hallmark store in Columbia. Nanaw picked Chase up from school at 3 p.m. and told him they were going on an adventure to Florissant to get donuts and Nanaw's ring. Chase didn't want to go and cried and threw a small tantrum. Nanaw told him they were taking along snacks, drinks, the laptop, the Fire tablet, the iPhone and the calculator to keep him occupied. And it all worked out perfectly. Chase entertained himself on the laptop and was perfectly content. He enjoyed going into the donut shop and helping Nanaw select sprinkle donuts for him, and a special assortment for Mama, Daddy and Grandma Pat.

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