Monday, November 23, 2020

Monday, November 23, 2020

Chase took his Rubik's cube to school again today. He loves the cubes. Chase and Nanaw played balloon pong for awhile before school. It's easier to hit the balloon than the ping pong ball. Nanaw went grocery shopping today and got a 25-pound turkey for Thanksgiving at Waterloo Walmart. After school, Nanaw was planning to run some errands but Chase wanted to go to the park so they went to the park. But Brady and Andrew weren't there. So Chase and Nanaw went to do the errands. On their way back, Nanaw drove by the park to see if Brady and Andrew were there but they weren't. When they got home, Chase and Nanaw played balloon pong again. Then Chase played on the computer. He told Nanaw he wanted a speed cube. So Nanaw ordered it for his birthday from Amazon; she also ordered a book from Amazon on how to solve a Rubik's cube for Chase's birthday. When Nanaw took Chase home, she suggested that on one of Mama's days off they could go to Handyman Hardware to see their Christmas decorations. Mama told Chase that Andrew and Brady video called him several times in the afternoon.

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