Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Chase and Nanaw played ping pong on Tuesday morning before school, of course. Mama told Nanaw that she and Daddy discussed buying Chase a ping pong table for Christmas but decided against it because it costs so much Then they came up with the idea of buying it as a family gift, and that's probably what they're going to do. In the morning, Chase told Nanaw that he didn't want to go to the park after school but he did want to take his whistle football or regular football to school with him. He said Ms. Kennedy told Brady he could bring his ball to school. Nanaw said she'd have Mama email Ms. Kennedy to see if Chase could bring his whistle football to school to play with at recess. Ms. Kennedy said she'd let Mama know by the end of the day but Nanaw never heard whether she said yes or not. After school, Chase said he wanted to go to the park, that he'd changed his mind. When they got to the park, they saw that Andrew had his roller blades, and Brady had his scooter. So Chase had Nanaw take him back to his house to get his roller blades and scooter. He had a great time skating and scooting and play with the whistle football. After they got back to Nanaw's house, they played ping pong again, of course. 

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