Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Chase and Daddy played ping pong outside on Sunday on the patio table; Mama took a picture of them and sent it to Uncle Mike and Nanaw, saying, "How we play ping pong here." Nanaw sent a picture of Chase playing ping pong on the dining room table. Very funny. Mama said Chase spent a of time doing video calls with Andrew and Brady during the day; Mama said there were a lot of giggles. Nanaw went over to Chase's house to watch Charlie Brown Thanksgiving at 6:30 on PBS -- Apple caved and let it be shown on PBS and not just Apple streaming. It was a lot of fun to watch Charlie Brown with Chase, Mama and Daddy --and Sylvester. Sam was in Chase's room, lying on Sylvester's bed. After watching Charlie Brown, Chase and Nanaw went into Chase's room to prepare a Thanksgiving dinner for the guys. Chase got out his pizza set and his food bag from Dollar General. They got everything set up for dinner for the guys. Chase had Nanaw bury him under his stuffed animals -- aka "the guys." Then somehow, it turned into a ping pong game, with Chase and Nanaw batting the food back and forth to each other. Then Chase said to Nanaw, "I wish weekends were longer." Nanaw asked why and Chase said, "So I can spend more time with Mama and Daddy." Then he got tears in his eyes and looked very sad. Then he cheered up when he said, "I have three days off this week so I'll get to see them then." Actually, he has five days off when you count the weekend. Nanaw remembers when she used to be sad on Sunday evenings before going back to school or work on Monday. But fortunately Nanaw doesn't feel that way anymore, and she's very happy about that.

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