Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

On Wednesday, Mama had the day off work, and Chase was off from school. They came over to Nanaw's house in the morning for a day of adventures. First, they ate snacks of peanut M&Ms and two kinds of mixed nuts. Then they went to Handyman Hardware to see the Christmas decorations, which were awesome and delightful, as always. Nanaw bought light bulbs for the outdoor lights, and Mama bought a flamingo Christmas decoration. Then they went to Arby's and Mama bought lunch to take back to Nanaw's house. After lunch, they played Scavenger Hunt, which was great fun. Mama said it was easier to play at Nanaw's house, and Nanaw said that was because Nanaw had so much stuff. Next, they went into Chase's room and watched Hallmark movies while Chase played with his toys. Mama went home at 3, and Chase played on the computer, and Nanaw took a short nap. Nanaw took Chase home at 5. They were going to have Imo's for dinner. Nanaw came back at 6:30 for the evening's adventure: watching Christmas Vacation. It was grand fun.

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