Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Chase was excited to take his Rubik's cube to school today. When Nanaw picked him up from school, he said Konnor got his cube in order, and Chase was happy about that. He played with it at both recesses and after packing up at the end of the day. Chase got his school pictures today but Nanaw forgot to look at them. When Mama opened them, there was only one 8 x 10, and she ordered three. Evidently, Chase took them out to show them to Joey and somehow they didn't make it back into the envelope. So Mama is going to email someone about them. In the picture, Chase looks like he's 12 years old; but it's a good picture. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to the little park at the library. Andrew and Brady were there. Chase had Nanaw get out his scooter, and off he went! Brady had his electric scooter. Nanaw gave Andrew the soccer ball because he didn't have a scooter. The boys eventually went over to the basketball court to play soccer. An older boy was there playing basketball, and he started playing soccer with the little boys. It was very cute. When it was time to go, Chase didn't want to leave and had a meltdown. It was really bad, and Nanaw ended up not talking to him for about a half hour, which bothered him no end. When they got home, without speaking to him, Nanaw had Chase read the book, Rocket Writes a Story. They really liked Chase reading the book. After Chase was done, things were okay between him and Nanaw. Nanaw told Chase that next time it's time to leave the park, she'll give him a five minute or ten minute warning so he has time to prepare himself. 

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