Monday, November 9, 2020

Monday, November 9, 2020

Mama had the day off on Monday so she took Chase to school. It's a two banana week, actually. Chase and Mama are off on Wednesday for Veterans Day. Then Mama is off again on Friday. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she got a text from Brady's grandma Debbie asking if Chase was going to the little library park. Nanaw texted back that she was sure Chase would want to go so they'd see them there. Brady brought two tennis rackets and a tennis ball so he and Chase could play tennis. At first, they played in the grass and on the parking lot because someone else was playing on the tennis court. When those people left, Brady and Chase went to play on the tennis court. Debbie and Nanaw went over to watch them. Chase seemed to have a really good time playing. Whenever the boys hit the ball over the fence, Debbie went to fetch it for them. At 4 p.m, Nanaw said it was time to go home so they did. Chase went without too much of a fuss. At Nanaw's house. Chase played on the computer. In the evening, he studied for his science test on plants.

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