Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Mama brought Chase to Nanaw's house early Tuesday morning, at 6:30 so that she and Daddy could go vote. She said they didn't have to wait in line because there weren't many people at the poll. Daddy said Nanaw could have his I Vote sticker. Nanaw voted by mail so she didn't get a sticker. Chase had pumpkin pie in a bag for breakfast and didn't eat his cheese stick and banana. He really likes pumpkin pie in a bag. Chase noticed that Nanaw forgot to do his water bottle so they turned around and went back home so they could get the water bottle. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she didn't see his AR book and asked him if he remembered it. He turned around and showed Nanaw that the book was in pocket of his backpack. At home, Chase wanted to play outside for awhile. So Nanaw put Sidney in the cat stroller, and they took Sidney for a walk. Chase pushed the stroller for awhile, running while he pushed it on the sidewalk. After the walk, they played baseball for a little while. Then Chase went into the house and played on the computer. He had some Dum Dum suckers; he wants to go to Dollar Tree tomorrow after school to get more Dum Dums because he only has two left. He also had the last of the pumpkin pie in a bag. The second picture below shows where Chase's lost glove showed up in Nanaw's car.

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