Daddy took the day off so Chase didn't come to Nanaw's house until 9:30. Daddy said Chase slept until 9, a first for him. Chase had a busy, active day on Sunday so that's probably why he slept so late. Nanaw had a surprise to show Chase when he arrived: His redbud trees from Powder Valley finally have leaves on them. Nanaw was afraid that they were dead and was excited when she saw the leaves on Monday morning. Chase played in the sandbox in the morning, and Nanaw played with him. He also played with his trains downstairs. Then Chase and Nanaw went to Walmart, where Nanaw bought Chase two little trains and a little cement mixer truck. Next they went to the playground by the Columbia Library. The new cover over the slide area is really great -- it blocks the sun and keeps the slides cool. Of course, Chase didn't want to leave the playground. After his nap, he was excited to see that Uncle Mike was at Nanaw's, cutting the grass. When Uncle Mike was finished, he and Chase sat on the front porch and ate snacks and entertained Nanaw -- it was delightful. In the evening, Mama sent Nanaw a picture of Tyler curled up on Chase's changing table -- very cute.
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