Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Chase and Nanaw had another day at home on Tuesday, an unexpected one. Nanaw had planned for them to go to the Tuesday Tails story time at the Animal Protective Association. But she had a mystery pain in her right leg so they had to stay home. Chase first watched 101 Dalmatians, which he calls the puppy movie. Then Nanaw played a movie he hadn't seen yet -- Casper the friendly ghost. And for whatever reason, Chase loved the movie and did a lot of laughing loudly. He spent a lot of time playing with the psychedelic van that belonged to his Mama when she was a little girl -- Chase calls it his "ban." Because of the pain her leg, Nanaw was afraid that she wouldn't be able to participate in Wednesday's adventure: a visit to the zoo with Chase and Mama. Nanaw told Mama she'd call in the morning to let Mama know if Nanaw could go to the zoo with Chase and Mama.

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