Chase slept till 8 a.m. Saturday morning, unbelievably late for him. Chase and Nanaw took Sam for a walk in the woods and once again, Chase was more interested in swatting bushes and grass with big sticks than walking Sam. After the walk, Chase and Nanaw went to the Thierbach Orchards play area, known to Chase as the Bounce House. Chase had to wait awhile to go in the big bounce house until the big kids got out of it. They're too rough for him. He spent some time in the small bounce house and then went to the activity that became his favorite one. There were two stock tanks filled with corn kernels for kids to jump in. One of the tanks had a small plastic slide, and Chase was delighted with that. He also rode on the tricycles and went down the slide. One of his times in the big bounce house, he gotten into a big puddle (it had rained earlier in the day) and got his pants all wet. At first, Nanaw thought he wet his pants but he said no, he got into some water. Nanaw had to take him back to Aspenhof because he was really wet, and Nanaw hadn't brought along a change of clothes -- silly Nanaw. Before they left Aspenhof, Nanaw winterized, which probably wasn't the smartest decision because it was hard to keep an eye on Chase at the same time. But it all worked out well. Chase and Nanaw went to McDonald's for dinner, and Chase was extremely happy about it. He likes to go inside to eat and usually Mama and Daddy do the drive through. Later, Nanaw gave Chase a bath in the deep tub, and he had fun with that. Nanaw read the bedtime note from Mama to Chase again, and then put it in his sticker notebook to save it.
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