Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Nanaw gave Chase a magnetic children's calendar that she'd had for a long while. He was delighted with it and had fun looking at all the little magnets. He and Nanaw put together the days for the month of October. Then Chase decided the calendar was a game that he wanted to play again so he took off all the magnets. Nanaw found a small basket for him to keep the magnets in but he preferred to spread them out on the floor, first in the living room and then in his room. The adventure for Tuesday was a visit to Powder Valley. Chase was extra wild and wound up on Tuesday, running from exhibit to exhibit, up and down the stairs. There were only a few boys and girls there, and Chase didn't do his usual following around thing. In the afternoon, Chase went number two on the potty chair, and Nanaw told him she would report his success to his Daddy, in the quest for the Hulk. When Chase got home, he started asking Daddy for the Hulk again, and Daddy once again explained the rules of their arrangement.

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