Daddy said Chase was very well-behaved at Uncle Chris's Halloween party on Saturday. He had lots of fun playing with his cousins, Mallory, Cessie and Elias. Mama was sad that she didn't feel well enough to go to the party, especially since it's her favorite one of the year because Halloween is her favorite holiday. On Sunday evening, Nanaw came for a delicious dinner of grilled steak and Caesar salad, one of her all-time favorite meals. Nanaw was supposed to bring her sewing kit so she could repair Tee Tee's ear but she forgot. So after dinner, Chase and Nanaw went to Nanaw's house to get the sewing kit. After Nanaw repaired Tee Tee's ear, Mama read two super hero books to Chase. He had her read the Catch that Crook book twice. After reading the books, Mama gave everyone strawberry cheesecake -- yum, yum. Nanaw and Daddy each had second helpings, and Chase ate a whole piece. He also ate all of his dinner, so this was a good night for him. Uncle Mike left a pair of Halloween glasses for Mike at Aspenhof, and Nanaw brought them to Chase They have skulls on them and they light up with blue lights -- Nanaw took pictures of Chase in the glasses but forgot to take any other pictures of Chase Sunday evening.
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