Friday, June 30, 2017
Friday was Chase's last day at Super Hero Camp. The camp was a great success for Chase. He had a wonderful time and seemed to really enjoy playing with the other children, especially the older boys. He left his Super Hero cape at camp on Thursday but Chase and Nanaw found it on one of the tables at camp on Friday -- Chase was so happy to see his cape. Nanaw was very happy about the camp because Chase had such a good time and because the camp leaders were so good to the boys and girls. When Nanaw picked Chase up from camp, there were lots of things for him to take home: his tie-dyed T-shirt, a necklace arrangement of crystals, his Batman cup, his county library water bottle and a fireworks picture he drew. When Chase and Nanaw got back to Nanaw's house, they played together with the shells Chase brought Nanaw from last year's Florida vacation. They also played ping pong on Nanaw's dining room table. Chase is so much fun to play with, and Nanaw always has a good time with him.
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Thursday, June 29, 2017
When Nanaw took Chase to Super Hero Camp Thursday morning, she stayed to play for a few minutes with Chase and the action figures. She also took pictures of the action figures. One of today's adventures at camp was water play, with water balloons. So Chase took his swimming trunks and a towel. When Nanaw picked Chase up, they went to look for the wind sock that he'd made in crafts at camp. Chase said he had a really good time playing with the water. On the way home from camp, Chase and Nanaw stopped at Dollar Tree. Chase picked out something called Candy Glow that Nanaw doesn't know what it is. He also got another bat and ball because he said he didn't want the other bats to be lonely. He got two packets of hockey stickers, a fire truck with firemen, two paddles and six ping pong balls -- he did quite well. Nanaw had Chase take a little night-night nap because Mama said he was cranky last night, and he seemed tired. Uncle Mike was here when Chase woke up from his nap, and the two of them watched the Cardinals' game together for awhile -- it was very cute. When Nanaw took Chase home, he told Mama and Daddy he had pizza for lunch and that it had pepperoni and cheese on it -- so we got at least that much information out of him. At the end of this entry, is a picture a friend of Nanaw's took of her granddaughter Georgia Rose holding the "Tee Tee" kitty that Nanaw gave her.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
When Chase and Nanaw got to Nanaw's house on Wednesday morning, Chase said he wanted to eat breakfast outside at his picnic table so that's what they did. Chase also played with his sandbox for awhile. At Super Hero Camp, Nanaw asked Chase which boy was the one he had said he liked, and Chase said the one in the green shirt. Nanaw asked the boy his name, and the boy said Lucas. So maybe Chase has made a new friend. When Nanaw picked Chase up from camp, he took home the slime/goo he made during the day. He told Nanaw that they made it with glue, baking soda and shaving cream -- three contents he'd never known about before so it has to be right. Nanaw asked what he had for lunch but he said he didn't know, only that there were strawberries and chocolate and he chose chocolate. Nanaw said to Mama that they needed to get a body cam for Chase to wear so that they knew what was going on in his life. There's some confusion about whether his new friend is really Lucas -- so Nanaw will see what she can find out. After camp, Chase and Nanaw played in the front yard with the sandbox and goo/slime. When they first played with the goo/slime, it was very wet and sticky. By the time Chase went home, it had become drier and more like the goo/slime you buy at the store. By the way, Chase and Nanaw were supposed to Dollar Tree on the way home from camp but Chase didn't want to go. So Nanaw said they would go on Thursday.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Chase was excited about going to his second day of Super Hero Camp. He wore his cape and once again played with the action figures right away and talking with the other boys at the table. Nanaw told Chase he was staying later at her house on Tuesday and would get to take a bath in the big bath tub. He liked that idea. When Nanaw picked Chase up from camp, they went to the Telegraph Road Library to pick up Chase's and Nanaw's prizes from the summer reading program. Chase had been fascinated with a Zombie book in a display case at the entrance of the library, and that was the book he chose as his prize. Nanaw got a red water bottle and promised Chase he could take it to Super Hero Camp on Wednesday if he wanted. When Chase and Nanaw got home, they spent time in the front yard, playing baseball, playing in the sandbox and watering the plants. They ate dinner together in the living room on the coffee table watching Paw Patrol. Chase had a grand time in the big bath tub before Mama and Daddy came to pick him up. When Mama and Daddy came, Nanaw told them a cute story about Chase. On the way home from camp, Chase and Nanaw talked about the grades in school. Nanaw told him that after 12th grade, he would go away to college. Chase said "Oh no, I love my Mom and Dad so much that I would be lonely without them. I have to stay with them." Mama and Daddy really liked that.
Monday, June 26, 2017
Monday, June 26, 2017
Monday was Chase's first day at Super Hero Camp at his elementary school. Nanaw took Chase and all his accompaniments: empty paper towel and toilet paper holders, a colorful shirt, a white tee-shirt for tie dying and two bottles of water. After he was signed in, Chase selected a Batman cup and got a name tag. He was excited to see some of his friends from his Pre-K class: Jackson P., Evan and Henry. Later, Audrey came in. At the end of the day, Nanaw saw Sammy, and Chase told her that Brooke was also there. Chase went over to one of the tables and started playing with a big box full of super hero action figures. When Nanaw picked Chase up, he was wearing the super hero cape he made and carrying the mask he made. He said he had a great time and that he wants to go back tomorrow, so that's a good thing. When they got home, Chase and Nanaw worked on getting the sandbox into the front yard. Unbeknownst to Nanaw, Chase carried a big plastic box filled with sandbox toys from the lower deck up to the front yard -- it was absolutely amazing! Nanaw also brought up Chase's picnic table so now he has a little play area in Nanaw's front yard.
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Mama said Chase had a wonderful time at the Cardinals' baseball game on Saturday night. They went in celebration of Uncle Chris's 40th birthday. Chase had fun with his cousins Cessie, Elias and Mallory. On Sunday afternoon, Chase and Daddy went out to Wentzville to visit Grandma Pat. While he was there, Chase played baseball with cousin Alexander. Alexander is going to come spend a week with Chase week after next, so there will be a lot of baseball playing. Nanaw went to visit Chase on Sunday evening and to have dinner -- yummy grilled chicken wings and corn on the cob. Nanaw and Chase played baseball for a few minutes before dinner. After dinner, Mama, Nanaw and Chase took Sam for a bonus walk to look for houses for sale for Brady -- but they didn't find any. While Chase was walking Sam, he asked Mama if they could start up the points again and then asked if he could have one point for walking Sam -- very cute. When they got home from the walk, they played baseball with Daddy -- and of course, as usual Chase's team won.
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Saturday, June 24, 2017
When Nanaw went to visit Chase on Saturday morning, he said hello to her from his window. It was cool outside so Mama had the windows open. Chase had on his Sidney Crosby jersey and looked very cute. Mama told Nanaw about their evening with Jackson and his parents. They went swimming and then had grilled hamburgers and hot dogs on pretzel buns. Mama and Chase said the buns were delicious. After dinner, Jackson and Chase played laser tag but Chase told Nanaw he didn't know how to play. While Mama went to the grocery store and Daddy was out running, Nanaw and Chase went to the little park by the Columbia library to play baseball. For some reason, Chase had difficulty hitting the ball, and he wasn't very happy about that. Nanaw thinks he does better with his smaller bats. There were any other little boys and girls at the park so Chase wanted to go back to his house. In the evening, Chase was going to the Cardinals' game with Daddy's cousins -- Aunt Becca, Uncle Chris and Uncle Chuck -- to celebrate Uncle Chris's 40th birthday. Chase's cousins -- Cessie, Elias and Mallory -- were going to be there, and Chase would be very happy about that.
Friday, June 23, 2017
Friday, June 23, 2017
Friday was sort of a quiet, mostly stay at home day for Chase and Nanaw. They did go to the Telegraph Road library for awhile. Chase and Nanaw played in the children's room, and Chase seemed to enjoy that. On their way out of the library, Nanaw decided to buy Chase something from the candy vending machine. He considered his choices for awhile and then chose chewy SweetTarts, which made him very happy. When they got home, they played downstairs. They also played a game Chase brought with him: Yeti Spaghetti. They played it the regular way at first and then made up their own versions. Chase was very excited about Mama and Daddy's plans for the evening: They were going to Jackson's house and were going to go swimming in the subdivision pool. When Mama and Daddy came to pick up Chase, Mama stayed in the truck because she had Sam with her, and Sam wouldn't get off her lap. Mama said Jackson had made a special request that Sam come along for the visit.
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