Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Mama said Chase had a wonderful time at the Cardinals' baseball game on Saturday night. They went in celebration of Uncle Chris's 40th birthday. Chase had fun with his cousins Cessie, Elias and Mallory. On Sunday afternoon, Chase and Daddy went out to Wentzville to visit Grandma Pat. While he was there, Chase played baseball with cousin Alexander. Alexander is going to come spend a week with Chase week after next, so there will be a lot of baseball playing. Nanaw went to visit Chase on Sunday evening and to have dinner -- yummy grilled chicken wings and corn on the cob. Nanaw and Chase played baseball for a few minutes before dinner. After dinner, Mama, Nanaw and Chase took Sam for a bonus walk to look for houses for sale for Brady -- but they didn't find any. While Chase was walking Sam, he asked Mama if they could start up the points again and then asked if he could have one point for walking Sam -- very cute. When they got home from the walk, they played baseball with Daddy -- and of course, as usual Chase's team won.

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