Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

When Chase and Nanaw got to Nanaw's house on Wednesday morning, Chase said he wanted to eat breakfast outside at his picnic table so that's what they did. Chase also played with his sandbox for awhile. At Super Hero Camp, Nanaw asked Chase which boy was the one he had said he liked, and Chase said the one in the green shirt. Nanaw asked the boy his name, and the boy said Lucas. So maybe Chase has made a new friend. When Nanaw picked Chase up from camp, he took home the slime/goo he made during the day. He told Nanaw that they made it with glue, baking soda and shaving cream -- three contents he'd never known about before so it has to be right. Nanaw asked what he had for lunch but he said he didn't know, only that there were strawberries and chocolate and he chose chocolate. Nanaw said to Mama that they needed to get a body cam for Chase to wear so that they knew what was going on in his life. There's some confusion about whether his new friend is really Lucas -- so Nanaw will see what she can find out. After camp, Chase and Nanaw played in the front yard with the sandbox and goo/slime. When they first played with the goo/slime, it was very wet and sticky. By the time Chase went home, it had become drier and more like the goo/slime you buy at the store. By the way, Chase and Nanaw were supposed to Dollar Tree on the way home from camp but Chase didn't want to go. So Nanaw said they would go on Thursday.

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