Friday, June 23, 2017

Friday, June 23, 2017

Friday was sort of a quiet, mostly stay at home day for Chase and Nanaw. They did go to the Telegraph Road library for awhile. Chase and Nanaw played in the children's room, and Chase seemed to enjoy that. On their way out of the library, Nanaw decided to buy Chase something from the candy vending machine. He considered his choices for awhile and then chose chewy SweetTarts, which made him very happy. When they got home, they played downstairs. They also played a game Chase brought with him: Yeti Spaghetti. They played it the regular way at first and then made up their own versions. Chase was very excited about Mama and Daddy's plans for the evening: They were going to Jackson's house and were going to go swimming in the subdivision pool. When Mama and Daddy came to pick up Chase, Mama stayed in the truck because she had Sam with her, and Sam wouldn't get off her lap. Mama said Jackson had made a special request that Sam come along for the visit.

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