Friday, June 29, 2018

Friday, June 29, 2018

Sad Friday -- the last day of Super Hero Camp. Chase says he had a really good time, and he was sorry that it was going to be over. He said he wondered if they would have a graduation (they didn't). Once again, Chase wore his Super Hero cape, and once again, the Three Amigos (Chase, Brady and Andrew). Chase had forgotten his water bottle yesterday so Nanaw took it with her when she left. When she picked Chase up, he had lots of crafts to bring with him: a catapult, two bowls (one that was painted glass, one that was covered with glued yarn), and two pictures. He couldn't find the salt picture that he made but he didn't seem to mind. At home, Chase and Nanaw played with the spelling cards and did some math. They were going to read one of the Biscuit stories but Uncle Mike came to cut Nanaw's grass so they went to visit with him. Nanaw tried to show Uncle Mike how to use the Garmin for their trip to Gulf Shores but it wouldn't recognize Alabama. Mama came over to see what she could do but she couldn’t do anything either. She took it home to Daddy, and he tried to download new data but it took too long so Uncle Mike is going to borrow cousin Robbie's equipment.

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