Saturday, June 2, 2018

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Nanaw went to visit Chase on Saturday morning before she went out to the little house. She brought along Chase's workbooks, flashcards and books to read. Mama went to Schnuck's to do the weekly grocery shopping. Nanaw and Chase went into Chase's room to have "school" on Chase's bed -- which they're calling the "school houseboat" -- very funny. Chase did well with the reading paragraph and answering the questions. His favorite thing after answering the questions is to check the answer key in the back of the book to see if he got the answers right. He does the same thing with the addition flashcards -- he turns them over to check the correct answer. Chase and Nanaw took turns reading a page of Hop on Pop, the Dr. Seuss book Chase checked out at the library on Friday. They also read half of the Cat the Splat ice cream book. In the afternoon, Chase and Daddy went out to Wentzville to visit Grandma Pat. Chase took along his swimming suit and his floaties because after visiting Grandma Pat, they went to Uncle Chris's house to go swimming and jump on the trampoline. Mama stayed home to work on her closet.

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