Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

On Tuesday morning, Chase was again very excited to go to Safety Town and kept asking, "Is it time to go yet?" When Nanaw picked him up, he told her all about what they did. They rode a school bus and learned about bus safety. Then the bus took them to ICS and Mr. Kish got on the bus for a few minutes, which delighted Chase. Then the bus took them to the swimming pool where they learned about swimming safety. They went out on the playground and learned about stranger danger. A plain clothes policeman wandered around among the children and tried to get them to go with him. Fortunately, only a few went, and Chase said he didn't. In the evening, Chase had another ,major adventure. It was Columbia Khoury League night at the ball park. Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw all went to the game. Chase and Daddy walked around the perimeter of the baseball field with all the Khoury League players. It was very exciting.

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