Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday, September 4, 2015

Today was Field Day and Game Day at ICS. The preschool played games all morning. When Nanaw picked up Chase, he was very dirty -- dusty all over. He said they went to the green park but Nanaw didn't know what he meant -- maybe it was the little playground by the library that has green tent-like coverings over the slides. The older grades went somewhere else for a field day. At the school, they were putting up booths and tents for the church picnic on Labor Day. The first two photos below are from the ICS preschool website. The first picture has Chase in it, and the second photo has the other Chase, Chase N., and Brady, the boy that Chase shares his locker with. Chase and Nanaw stayed home to play after school. They played in Chase's room and then played downstairs. In the evening, Chase was going to Jackson's house with Mama and Daddy; Mama sent Nanaw pictures of Chase and Jackson -- the last two pictures. Evidently the boys played dress-up. Jackson had on his Superman outfit and Chase had a cowboy scarf or bandana around his neck, and was wearing a straw hat, along with his Batman shirt.

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