Saturday, September 12, 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015

When Nanaw went to visit Chase on Saturday morning, Mama was going to the grocery store and Daddy was mowing the grass. So Nanaw had the idea that she and Chase would go to the little playground by the Columbia Library. Chase was delighted with that activity. When they first got there, no other children were at the playground. Nanaw went down a couple of the slides with Chase a couple of times, and he seemed to really like that. After awhile, a little "gril" as Chase calls girls came to the playground with her parents and baby brother. Chase was excited to see her and began to talk to her and follow her around. They played for a while, then Nanaw took Chase into the library to play in the children’s reading room, which he liked. On their way, they saw Miss Candy and Nanaw signed Chase up for story time on the first and third Thursdays of the month. Nanaw will try it out but if Chase is a handful they’ll stop coming. When Nanaw took Chase home, he and Daddy went to Wentzville to visit "Grumma," and Mama went to her friend Lisa’s 50th birthday party in Waterloo.

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