Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

When Nanaw picked Chase up Wednesday morning, he wanted to go to school right away (It was 7 a.m.) Nanaw told Chase school was closed, and that it would open at 8 a.m. When they got home, she showed Chase the clock and said when the big hand got to 8, they would leave for school (that would be 20 to 8). Chase sat at the kitchen counter to eat breakfast and keep an eye on the clock. Just about when it was time to leave, Nanaw took Chase to the bathroom, then they got ready to go. Chase looked at the clock and said, "It's past. Come. Let's hurry!" (The big hand was one minute past the 8 -- it was very cute.) In the classroom, Nanaw looked for the Above the Line, Below the Line chart, but couldn't find it. But she did find the children's artwork, and she took a photo of the monster picture that Chase made. On Friday, Nanaw will have Mama help look for the chart or they'll ask Ms. Merz. (Mama has the day off Friday -- she's going to spend the day with Uncle Mike.) When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, the first thing he said was, "I'm above the line." Nanaw asked why he was above the line, and he said "I played with the new box." So Nanaw doesn't know what that means but it's good that Chase is above the line. Chase and Nanaw's adventure for the day was a trip to the little playground in the park next to the Columbia Library. There were several children there but unfortunately, they all had to leave. Chase played a little on the playground, then did some walking on the trail and exploring the fountain. He didn't seem to want to stay without any little boys and girls there. Nanaw thought maybe he didn't feel well because he felt warm when they got home so she put him down for an early nap.

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