Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday, March 21, 2016

First and foremost, Chase had a perfect day as far as behavior and attitude are concerned. He was absolutely wonderful! No fussing, no crying, nothing. It was grand. When Nanaw took him to school, he looked around for Brady but Brady was already in the classroom. After school, both Brady and Chase came running at Nanaw to give her big hugs. Once again, for his collection Chase picked up pine cones on the patch of ground by the parking lot. On the way home from school, Chase and Nanaw went to Dollar Tree. The very determined little Chase marched into the store to the toy area and picked out another monster truck. Then he went back to the front of the store and selected another green egg and the chocolate maze he's been eyeing for a couple of weeks. That boy knows what he wants. When Chase and Nanaw got home, he wanted to play with his new Play Dough on the kitchen counter so Nanaw set everything up. He announced to Nanaw, "We have a new season. It's spring!" So he shared at least one thing he learned at school. Very cute. When he was done playing with the Play Dough, he played abcmouse for a long while -- he really loves that program, and Nanaw loves it for him -- it's very educational and kid-friendly. On the way home, he took the little red laptop along so he could play abcmouse again. He found a gerbil on the program and said, "Oh, he's so cute!" That will probably be his next purchase using the tickets he earns for learning things.

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