Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Happy Birthday to Nanaw! Mama posted a video of Chase saying Happy Birthday, Nanaw, and it was very cute, and everybody liked it. Mama took the day off from work to spend the day with Nanaw. First, they had to take Chase to the doctor for a follow-up visit about his ears. He still didn't pass the hearing test; this time the nurse couldn't get a seal in Chase's ears so she couldn't do the test. Dr. Charles said Chase's ears were still infected and prescribed a different antibiotic, plus eye drops for pink eye and something to remove the wax from Chase's ears. Poor baby is having a rough time of it. Next, they went shopping at TJ Maxx, and then went to PetCo where Chase was excited to see little white mice running around in a bowl, like they were on a racetrack. Next, they picked up the prescriptions at Walgreen's, then got food from McDonald's. In the evening, Uncle Mike, Aunt Becky, Mike Jr. and Kristie came to Nanaw's house for her birthday dinner. Mama, Daddy, Chase and Sam came also. Nanaw made mostaccioli and everybody said they really liked it -- except for Chase. He hardly ate anything sand then threw that up because he was coughing so hard. It will be wonderful when Chase is well again.

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