Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Chase was happy to go back to school after a week off. Brady gave Nanaw a big hug before school and after school. Chase gave Nanaw a big running hug when he got out of school. Unsolicited, he told Nanaw he had Rice Krispy's Treats for the snack today. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to the Train House for their Wednesday adventure. Miss Linda was very happy to see Chase and Nanaw. It was a quiet day at the Creation Station without many children. Chase had a great time playing on the train tables and in the kitchen. He also played musical instruments and sang with the other children. He played with the stuffed bunnies that Miss Linda had spread out on a quilt on the floor. He found paint splash Thomas for Nanaw, which made her very happy. Nanaw is thinking about buying paint splash Thomas from Amazon, even though he costs $27.00. Chase had his usual treat of popcorn but didn't get to explore the caboose because the doors were locked. When they got home from the Train House, Chase had lunch and played with abcmouse and with his school, house and farm on the kitchen counter. It was another wonderful day with the loving, cheerful Chase -- Nanaw hopes this keeps up forever.

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