Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Chase and Nanaw had a great adventure on Thursday: early in the morning, they went out to the little house to turn on the water. Chase took along the little red laptop and the DVD player. He played abcmouse all the way out to Aspenhof, and watched his Cars video also. He was very happy to go to the little house -- he really likes it out there. When they got there, Chase played with the box of construction toys tat Robbie and Joey used to play with when they were little. Nanaw loves the idea of continuity with the grandkids. While Nanaw was working on getting the water turned on, Chase went outside and played with an old tree stump, digging in it and having a good time. Once the water was on, Chase and Nanaw had lunch. Then they went for a walk down to the end of the road. Nanaw let Chase use her walking stick that Pawpaw bought for her at Rockbridge. On the way home, they stopped at Walmart and then they went to the Goodwill store to see if they had any toys for Chase. Chase called it the Little Will store, getting it confused with Little Will, Aunt Alice's son, who's coming for a visit on Saturday night. Chase picked out a bag of dinosaurs and a little red car from the Little Will store and was very happy about it.

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