Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Nanaw came to visit Chase on Sunday evening but didn't get to see Mama because she was out on the town with friends. Daddy said he and Chase had played color changing cars twice and also played with the Play Dough. Chase is very happy to have Daddy as his own special playmate. Chase and Nanaw played with his balloons and part of the time, Tyler played with them, grabbing onto the ribbon and not letting go -- it was very funny. Chase and Nanaw played with crayons, colored pencils, coloring books and stickers in his room -- it was a very eclectic activity. Nanaw was excited to see that Chase is learning to hold a scissors correctly -- very good. Chase cut up paper and cardboard on the floor. Then he announced, "It's time to clean up this mess. Let's put the paper in the trash." Nanaw laughed and laughed. So Nanaw and Chase picked up the paper and cardboard and threw it in the trash. Next, Chase and Nanaw sat at the kitchen table and played with his mini Thomas trains and some of his Cars cars. Then Chase decided it would be a good idea play with the cars and trains on the kitchen floor. He also got all of his color changing cars out of the dish drainer so they could play with them also. When it was time for Nanaw to go home, Chase told Daddy that they were going to play color changing cars, again!

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