Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday, March 28, 2016

Chase had the day off from school. He had a doctor's appointment in the afternoon so he and Nanaw stayed home to play. Chase likes his new Leap Frog School and played with it for a long while. Nanaw brought out a house and a farm to put with the school so that Chase had a village -- he really liked that. He also played on abcmouse and then played with Lincoln Logs when he and Nanaw went downstairs. Chase's doctor's appointment was to have his ears checked again. His ear infection is gone but he still failed the hearing test. Dr. Charles wants to wait another month and have Chase take the hearing test again. If he fails it again, Dr. Charles will refer him to an ear, nose and throat doctor. Dr. Charles is hoping it will clear up on its own; he says if Chase goes to an ENT now, the doctor will most likely put tubes in his ears and that might not be necessary. When Nanaw took Chase home, Daddy was out in front putting together a new basketball hoop. So Chase went outside to help Daddy -- it's very cute when he does that.

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