Friday, July 21, 2017

Friday, July 21, 2017

On Friday morning, Chase and Nanaw played downstairs with Chase's trains. He got out the big box of Thomas trains that Uncle Doug brought over for Chase last summer. Chase and Nanaw worked on building a big train track, and then putting a selection of trains on the track. Nanaw was happy to see that Chase still likes his trains. When it was time to go to Magic House Camp, Chase asked Nanaw if they could keep the track up and play with it tomorrow. Nanaw told Chase it was Saturday tomorrow and the wouldn't be at Nanaw's house. But she told him they could keep the track up until Monday. Chase also got out Mama's favorite train toy: Cranky Crane. All morning, Chase kept asking how long before they could leave for Magic House Camp and Nanaw would tell him. It was very cute. That boy really loved his Magic House Camp experience. When Nanaw picked Chase up, the counselors told Nanaw that the popsicle party on the porch turned out wonderfully for the boys and girls. Chase said he had a great time. He brought a whole bunch of things home with him: Pop Rocks, Silly Putty, a smelly sock that smelled like mint, and a really long picture of Chase (bigger than life-size). Nanaw promised Chase that he can go to Magic House Camp again next year. For dinner, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw went to Who Dat's and Nanaw had her favorite: the BBQ Sundae. When they got home, Daddy found a snake by the front of the house. Nanaw took a picture, and Daddy chased the snake away, with Chase rooting for his Daddy.

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