Monday, July 3, 2017

Monday, July 3, 2017

Mama had the day off on Monday, and she took Chase to the eye doctor for his first ever eye examination. He needed it for kindergarten, and he passed with flying colors. Yay! Mama told the doctor Chase was obsessed with eyeballs, and they got a good laugh out of that. After the eye doctor appointment, Nanaw came over to Chase's house. Then Mama, Chase and Nanaw went to the Columbia McDonald's for lunch. Alexander didn't want to go but Mama said she'd bring back food for him. Chase and Nanaw got Happy Meals so Chase got two purple Minion toys. After lunch, Mama, Chase and Nanaw went to visit the Science Center. Because of the VP Fair in Forest Park, the regular parking was blocked off, and Mama had to park in the lot on Oakland, which cost $12.00. Nanaw is glad she always parks in the lot by the Planetarium, which is free. Chase had a grand time showing Mama all his favorite places at the Science Center: the dinosaurs, the dinosaur dig, the air balls, an the outdoor Grow area. He visited the chickens, then went to the water pumps to show Mama how they work. It was a great day for all.

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