Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday's adventure for Chase was a trip to Powder Valley. As usual, Chase climbed on the frog outside the Nature Center when he and Nanaw first got there. Inside, he ran to the back of the building and called out, "The bees are gone." He's a very observant little fellow. Nanaw said they would go ask someone at the desk about the bees but Chase said, "You do it by yourself" so that's what Nanaw did. The man at the desk said that the bees died but they were going to get some more. The Nature Center was almost deserted when Chase and Nanaw arrived but soon several busloads of school children descended on the facility, and this delighted Chase. He loves it when other children are there. He talks to them and runs around after them. Pre-school is going to be very good for him because he'll be able to see "friends" three days a week. Yesterday at the library programs, he didn't want to leave -- he wanted to stay with his friends. When Nanaw took Chase home, as they came down the street, Chase said, "The garage door is shut." Nanaw told Chase that Mama and Daddy had gone to the car repair shop and would be home soon. He cried a little bit about that because he wanted to go outside and play in his sandbox with Daddy. But Daddy and Mama arrived home shortly after that and all was well. In the evening Nanaw found her kitties Taylor and TJ curled up in the laundry basket so she took a picture of them.


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