Wednesday's adventure for Chase was a trip to the Train House. He and Nanaw played in the kitchen, played with the mega blocks and the wooden blocks, had two tea parties, played with the hand puppets and made a bunny rabbit craft with Miss Linda. Chase played with the Thomas tables and found the Thomas engine with the paint splashes for Nanaw -- one of her favorites. After the Thomas tables, Chase and Nanaw went outside to explore the red caboose. Then they went for their first train ride since last fall -- Chase was finally very excited to go. At first, he kept saying no they couldn't go because it was too windy -- even though it wasn't windy at all. When Nanaw took Chase home in the evening, she and Mama went outside to play in the sandbox with Chase -- Daddy was golfing. Chase loves his new sandbox and showed Nanaw all the things he can do with his sandbox toys -- including making a turtle, scooping sand into the dump truck and using the built-in digger.
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