Chase had a brand new, exciting adventure today: He went to Tuesday Tails at the Animal Protective Association for story time and playing with a puppy. Two three-year-old little girls named Charlotte and Leah were there also. The story time was led by Jennifer Blome, a news anchor who retired from Channel 5 last year to become director of humane education at the APA. She was personable and friendly and charmed the children and the adults. First, Jennifer read two books to the children, then everyone went on a tour to see the cats and the puppies. The cats were in a beautiful cage arrangement where each can had a bedroom and a separate "bathroom" (litter box). Everything was amazingly clean and colorful and pleasant-smelling. The cats had comfy looking beds and lots of toys to keep them occupied. The puppies were housed in open-ceilinged "condos" rather than cages to give them an airy view. Jennifer brought a two-month old German Shepherd mix puppy named Allison to visit the children. Each child was able to hold Allison and get his or her picture taken with the puppy. Everyone went to take Allison back to her condo, and then they came back to the story room to make puppy puppets. Chase enjoyed using the glue stick (one of his favorite things) to glue the ears, eyes and tongue on the puppet. Each child also took home a balloon. It was a very successful adventure, and Chase and Nanaw plan to return next week for the program with a musician -- who has pink hair!
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